College English/Trends & Issues... Patricia M. Breno 17 Dec 1999 14:43 UTC

With our microfiche subscription of College English, we just
received Trends & Issues in Postsecondary English... 1999.
College English is the header on the fiche.  The title page, verso,
intro have no mention of College English.

Since Trends is cataloged separately, and doesn't seem to have a
College English connection, I'm hesitant to file it with our College
English fiche.  Our Bell-Howell rep indicated that she thinks it is a
supplement or special issue, since it came with College English.

Has anyone else received this--and how have you handled it?
Separate it or keep it with CE? I know there are separate recs in
OCLC for both.



Patricia Breno
Serials Librarian
Owens Community College Library
P.O. Box 10,000
Toledo, OH  43699-1947
(419) 661-7020 voice