[Freelance Traveller] New Feature Idea - Please Help! Jeff Zeitlin (03 Feb 2019 22:19 UTC)
Re: [TML] [Freelance Traveller] New Feature Idea - Please Help! Kelly St. Clair (04 Feb 2019 05:26 UTC)
Re: [TML] [Freelance Traveller] New Feature Idea - Please Help! Timothy Collinson (07 Feb 2019 12:06 UTC)

[Freelance Traveller] New Feature Idea - Please Help! Jeff Zeitlin 03 Feb 2019 22:19 UTC

It's not a spoiler to tell you that the forthcoming issue of Freelance
Traveller will feature three articles by Timothy Collinson, based on the
premise of converting a literary fictional character into a Traveller

This effort was well-enough done that I am specifically and publicly asking
him to consider choosing other fictional characters - from all genres and
metagenres - and working them up in much the same fashion.

I am further inviting other members of the Traveller community to do the
same: Pick a character from stories you've enjoyed, whatever the genre or
metagenre, that you've thought would make a good Traveller character, and
work them up as one. If you need to work up a new career, by all means, go
for it, and some adventures or adventure seeds, possibly but not
necessarily based on the fiction that the character appears in, would
certainly not go amiss.

When I say any genre or metagenre, I mean it. If you think you can do up
early Jack Ryan, that's great. James Bond? Go for it! Nile Etlaw, Trigger
Argee, Danestar Gems, Telzey Amberdon, ...? Fine! Paksenarrion
Dorthansdottir, Lessa, or Kylara Vatta? Why not? Jason Bourne? Simon
Templar? Sure! Frank and Joe Hardy? Tom Swift (Sr., Jr., or III)? They're
fair game, too - and I'm sure you can think of others. As Nike, Inc., says
in their ads, Just Do It! Then, send 'em in! If I get enough, and can think
of a good name for the section (or get a suggestion I like), they'll even
get their own heading at/in Freelance Traveller (if I can't think of a good
name and don't get any good suggestions, they'll still show up, but under
the existing Up Close and Personal, Doing It My Way, and Active Measures

®Traveller is a registered trademark of
Far Future Enterprises, 1977-2018. Use of
the trademark in this notice and in the
referenced materials is not intended to
infringe or devalue the trademark.

Jeff Zeitlin, Editor
Freelance Traveller
    The Electronic Fan-Supported Traveller® Resource

Freelance Traveller extends its thanks to the following
enterprises for hosting services:

onCloud/CyberWeb Enterprises (http://www.oncloud.io)
The Traveller Downport (http://www.downport.com)