Review Solicitation: Traveller Ascension: Imperial Warrant and/or Traveller Collectable Card Game Jeff Zeitlin 23 Jan 2020 00:18 UTC

I should note that I played Traveller Ascension: Imperial Warrant at
TravellerCON/USA this past autumn, and I was quite favorably impressed; at
some point I will probably write my own review of it.

However, that is neither here nor there; I am interested in what others
think of it, or of the Traveller CCG - if you've played either, I'd be
interested in a review of it, whether positive or negative. Focus on the
game play itself; a game can be good, or great, _as_ _a_ _game_, even if
the manufacture of the play materials is shoddy, and good games should be
called out as such.

If there are any other Traveller or Traveller-compatible games out there,
I'd like to hear about them, too!

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Jeff Zeitlin, Editor
Freelance Traveller
    The Electronic Fan-Supported Traveller® Resource

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