SOLICITATION 2: WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE TO SEE? Jeff Zeitlin 29 Jan 2020 00:50 UTC

I'm coming up somewhat short for material, so it's time to put out a
general call for Stuff! of whatever type - anything at all is fair game,
for any type of article - including, if you've got the urge, writing a
"Traveller By the Byte" (viz., the original JTAS "Using your Model/1bis" or
"Using Your Model/2bis" - the idea is that the code shouldn't require a
separate compile step, just 'write and run'. I've done APL and PowerShell;
BASIC was used in the original JTAS; there's no reason why you couldn't use
any of those, or Python, Ruby, REXX, bash, etc.). I don't consider any
particular section to be anybody's "preserve", except for the named columns
(Timothy Collinson's "Confessions of a Newbie Referee", my "Jottings",
Shannon Appelcline's "Fifth Imperium", etc.), so if you think you can do a
credible job at an article in a section, by all means, go for it!

Every section can use some love, and I know that there's plenty of
Imagination here, so let's see some application thereof.

If you've thought of ways to apply your own real-life experience to
Traveller, write it! Those tend to be especially good articles, because the
best way to get good, well-thought-out work is to "write what you know".

Length is _my_ problem, not yours. You write what you need to to cover the
topic adequately; if it's unusually long, I'll either hold it for a later
issue, or work with you to find break points and "serialize" it. The
important thing is to WRITE, and send it in!

®Traveller is a registered trademark of
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infringe or devalue the trademark.

Jeff Zeitlin, Editor
Freelance Traveller
    The Electronic Fan-Supported Traveller® Resource

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