Re: [TML] An Adventure Seed from Trying to Design Squadron Strike: Traveller Scenarios Rupert Boleyn (04 Jun 2020 04:05 UTC)

Re: [TML] An Adventure Seed from Trying to Design Squadron Strike: Traveller Scenarios Rupert Boleyn 04 Jun 2020 04:05 UTC

On 04Jun2020 1548, wrote:
> That also suggests why the Imperium had a lot of classes without the
> Meson Screen. During the overall peace where no major Domain+ sized
> wars were going on, many of those cruisers would do peace time duty,
> patrols to punish some Vargr corsairs or whatnot, a lot of showing the
> flag and reminding people the Imperial Navy is not to be trifled with,
> etc.
> Peacetime can really change military procurement priorities. When a
> war starts, unless you are the aggressor who has been up-arming for
> it, usually you are on your back foot, faced with better ships than
> you have, and wishing the peacetime bean counters had built newer,
> better, more capable ships to fight the new adversary.
> Then if the war drags on, both sides tend to optimize their ship
> classes for war (less fat, more lean lethality and units built for
> attritional warfare).
If you want a really good example of what peacetime does to navies, look
at the period between WWI and WWII, and what the series of naval
treaties did to the RN and USN. Those treaties were a political
master-stroke, but between them and poor economic times, going into WWII
the world's two biggest navies were a pale shadow of what they'd been at
the end of WWI (though at least more of the kit actually worked the way
it was supposed to).

Rupert Boleyn <>