Re: Lexicon? (was: Re: [TML] Parental Advisory: Vector Thrust Session 3a - "Must Be The Moustache") shadow@xxxxxx (09 Jun 2020 13:03 UTC)

Re: Lexicon? (was: Re: [TML] Parental Advisory: Vector Thrust Session 3a - "Must Be The Moustache") shadow@xxxxxx 09 Jun 2020 13:03 UTC

One of the differences that can *really* cause problems is "table the

In the UK it means vote on it.

In the US it means set it aside for later consideration (and
depending on context can imply that said "later" will be when hell
freezes over)

As to rubbers, for some of us older folks they were a sort of
waterproof thing that went over your shoes (and didn't extend up to
your ankles, as opposed to overshoes which were a sort of boot).

another generational one here can be thong. It's either skimpy
underwear of skimpy footwear (aka flip-flops)

And then there's the parts of the US where "coke" refers to *any*
carbonated softdrink, not just a particular brand of cola.

Which reminds me of a tale told by friends who took a car trip across
Canada. At one of the small towns in the prairies, they stoped at a
fast food place, saw that they had ice cream on the menu and asked
what flavors were available. Only to be met with a blank look and
"Flavors?" ((apoparentluy the vanilla soft serve was the only ice
cream the locals had ever encountered)

All of the above show ways to trip up players. Or just give them that
"we aren't in Kansas anymore" feeling.

Leonard Erickson (aka shadow)
shadow at shadowgard dot com