A puzzling announcement, but one nevertheless likely to be of interest here... Jeff Zeitlin (04 Aug 2020 09:50 UTC)

A puzzling announcement, but one nevertheless likely to be of interest here... Jeff Zeitlin 04 Aug 2020 09:50 UTC

I am "on" the Baen Books discussion forums. They have a section/conference/
newsgroup/area set aside specifically for announcing Electronic Advance
Reader Copies of forthcoming titles.

Today, 4 August 2020, in that area, I found the following:

>Hi folks,
>Marc Miller's Agent of the Imperium is now available as an eARC. Get your copy here: https://www.baen.com/agent-of-the-imperium-earc.html
>Baen Ebooks Web Team
>Email me: xxxxxx@principledtechnologies.com

I say "puzzling" in the title because I have a copy (two, actually) of
Agent of the Imperium (trade paper) from 2015, and I've seen it on Amazon
for Kindle almost that long...

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