Re: [TML]A question for the panel regarding jump drive and relativity Jeffrey Schwartz (10 Sep 2020 13:42 UTC)

Re: [TML]A question for the panel regarding jump drive and relativity Jeffrey Schwartz 10 Sep 2020 13:41 UTC

On Thu, Sep 10, 2020 at 9:31 AM <xxxxxx@gmail.com> wrote:
> I wonder if Galanglic (Anglic?) is more like Vilani or Terran English now? Is it super adaptable and messy or is it more formal like I'd expect from the Vilani influences? Don't know if that topic has ever been discussed...

My take is that Anglic has a "Work" and "Not Work" vocabulary
In the Work mode, it's specific job-related jargon, so there's a
specific meaning there.

In the Not Work mode, it's much, much worse than American English. Not
only are there "accepted language" puns/double entendres, but there's
a ton of them which are more locale specific that have made it back
into common usage along whatever Main the world it originated from is

For example, on world A where a comedy movie uses the phrase "delivery
around back" with a sexual connotation. The movie is played on a liner
making stops at B,C and D. Enough people see it that they start making
jokes in the starports along the way, which causes other people who
work at the starport to take the joke home.

Later, on the highly puritanical world E, signs at a number of
businesses get quietly changed from "deliveries in the back" to
"receiving dock at rear of building"
A Scout comments on it on world F, with a laugh.
It goes by X-Boat back to A, and in "Adventures of Deliveryman 2: This
time it's personal", the line "She'll be receiving it in the rear"
gets used.