Needed: Alternate presentation for T5 ships Jeff Zeitlin (10 May 2021 18:20 UTC)
RE: [TML] Needed: Alternate presentation for T5 ships ewan@xxxxxx (11 May 2021 00:31 UTC)

Needed: Alternate presentation for T5 ships Jeff Zeitlin 10 May 2021 18:19 UTC

The Caladbolg System Defense Force in the most recent issue is actually the
first set of ship designs that Freelance Traveller has printed for
Traveller5. A perusal of both the single-volume edition of T5 and the
three-book boxed set doesn't reveal an "official" compact format for ship
data, and the format that was printed is ... suboptimal*. So...

What I'd like - quickly; I'd like to reformat the Caladbolg ships for the
web version of the article - is a more compact - or at least more tabular -
format for presenting ship specs. I won't object if the result is a good
summary format followed by a detail "worksheet"

The USP from Classic _High Guard_ is a little _too_ compact; you don't have
to reduce it that far. MegaTraveller and Mongoose (both editions) Traveller
are both reasonable, but recall that T5 allows for more detail than either
(that's why I'll take a "basic" datasheet plus detail/worksheet).

(Remember that some of us don't support HTML or fancy formatting and use
fixed-pitch fonts for reading email. Because of that, using Markdown/
CommonMark/Github-flavored-Markdown is recommended. If you send it directly
to me, I can take "raw" html, but make sure that you don't _send_ it as
MIME type text/html; if you send it as text/plain, I'll be able to cutpaste
the html.)

(*Part of the problem is that the format as printed in FT was too dependent
on fixed-pitch fonts and tabs, rather than being a true table, and when I
started fussing with fonts and sizes... I missed a couple of places where
they didn't quite line up as intended. I want a format where I can avoid

®Traveller is a registered trademark of
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Jeff Zeitlin, Editor
Freelance Traveller
    The Electronic Fan-Supported Traveller® Resource

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