[Freelance Traveller] Starting work on September/October Jeff Zeitlin 09 Jul 2021 11:28 UTC

OK, I've more-or-less completed inserting most of July/August into my
master copy of the web site, and am starting to gather articles for the
September/October issue.

Since that's going to be the "current" issue at the time of
TravellerCON/USA (and will be "on the street" a month before TCUSA), I
indicated that I wanted it to be a 'theme issue' with the same theme as
TCUSA, which will be 'Hivers' this year.

So, I'd like people to work up Hiver-related material for inclusion in the
upcoming issue of Freelance Traveller. Anything, for any section of the
magazine, will do. For those looking for some ideas as starting points,
consider the following:

* Hivers play a significant role in Paul Brunette's _The Death of Wisdom_;
  even though Shannon Appelcline has already reviewed it, reviews by others
  would be welcome in Critics' Corner (Off the Table), especially if you
  want to discuss the portrayal of Hivers therein.

* The extant material on Hivers suggest that, as a species, they have a
  reproductive pattern that would be classified as _r_-strategy. If someone
  wanted to explore the question of "How does an _r_-strategy species
  develop sapience, civilization, and technology", using the Hivers as the
  representative species, such an article would definitely have a home in
  Kurishdam  (Lecture Hall and Library) (Note: you'll have to make stuff up
  to explain the part of the Hiver life cycle that's _not_ documented in
  extant material).

* Have you played a Hiver in a campaign? Run a Hiver as a NPC? Got any tips
  for doing so? Other Hiver careers? They'll fit in Doing It My Way.

* Same questions as above, but if you want to tell the story of the
  campaign and/or the Hivers in it, that'll fit into Raconteurs' Rest. So
  will any whole-cloth stories you want to make up about Hivers.

* The Federation in which the Hivers are the dominant partner is
  polyspecific, just as are the three "Human" states (Imperium, Solomani
  Confederation, Zhodani Consulate). Writing about one of the other species
  (Ithklur, Gurvin, make-one-up) and their relationship to the Hivers would
  certainly be of interest, belonging in Kurishdam (The Club Room or
  Lecture Hall and Library).

* Animals and plants cultivated and traded by the Hivers or one of the
  subordinate races of the Federation would have a place in Less Dangerous
  Game or Fascinating Flora.

The idea here is to get a bunch of articles - half-a-dozen or so would be a
good number - that focus on the Hivers and make the issue a Theme Issue.
Non-Hiver articles are _always_ welcome, and will fill out the remainder of
the issue.

®Traveller is a registered trademark of
Far Future Enterprises, 1977-2020. Use of
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infringe or devalue the trademark.

Jeff Zeitlin, Editor
Freelance Traveller
    The Electronic Fan-Supported Traveller® Resource

Freelance Traveller extends its thanks to the following
enterprises for hosting services:

onCloud/CyberWeb Enterprises (http://www.oncloud.io)
The Traveller Downport (http://www.downport.com)