Re: [TML] standard psionics equipment on imperial navy cruisers Nokes.Name 09 Aug 2021 23:16 UTC

IMTU Imperial Marines and Army operating in a front with known Psionic forces will have it built into their armor.

SpecOps just about everywhere have it.

Navy ships not so much, as the ranges they operate at preclude most threats, but they tend to have a small handful in lockers for negotiations etc just in case.

It’s a small price to blunt a pretty major advantage.

And the military does not pay retail :)

IMTU psionics are virtually unknown, and generally folks that are aware of them either are “in the know” or fear them as some sort of “black magic”.

The imperial scout service’s black ops group has access to trained operatives, as does the Imperial ministry of standards and forms (a front for an imperial secret service, most agents carry a warrant)

There is an arm of MOJ that hunts down reported Psi talents, and either “removes” them or hands them off to one of the teams that can use that sort of talent, though they are not officially aware of the teams existence.

I almost never allow PCs to have psi if the game is in the Imperial borders, as it generally devolved into “running from scary back ops teams” when I did. :)

Of course there is a huge grey area with non-citizens… but if you are not a citizen of a major polity, well, take the job offer.

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> On Aug 9, 2021, at 3:33 PM, David Johnson - piperfan at <> wrote:
> Jim Vassilakos wrote:
>> How does this equipment get tested? Psionics is supposed to be illegal, right? But to test it, you'd need psions. So does the Imperial military and various corporations employ psions for testing and development purposes? If so, do they have to be registered? Is there an Imperial agency that regulations such individuals? Has anyone heard anything about this agency anywhere in the Traveller literature? The whole situation, on the face, seems a bit unworkable without us making some logical conclusions that would seem to go against Traveller cannon.
> Which, if you were the Imperial acquisition official charged with secretly supplying this sort of technology, is pretty much the public narrative you'd be comfortable with. ;)
> Cheers,
> David
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