quick question on Aslan Envoys Timothy Collinson (29 Jan 2022 16:37 UTC)
Re: [TML] quick question on Aslan Envoys Jeff Zeitlin (29 Jan 2022 17:42 UTC)
Re: [TML] quick question on Aslan Envoys Timothy Collinson (29 Jan 2022 22:21 UTC)

Re: [TML] quick question on Aslan Envoys Jeff Zeitlin 29 Jan 2022 17:42 UTC

On Sat, 29 Jan 2022 16:36:49 +0000, Timothy Collinson
<xxxxxx@port.ac.uk> wrote:

>OK, so having read the table before I read the 'rule', I created a female

>Is this *absolutely* impossible?  Or could it be a very very rare thing?  I
>can find nothing in either CT or MgT that expressly forbids it and language
>such as 'generally' which hints it might be, very occasionally, possible
>and the stuff of an interesting character?  (The fact that one of her
>events was surviving an assassinationi attempts, certainly points to other
>Aslan not easily accepting her role!)

>I appreciate for my own purposes I can do what I want but for an FT article
>or other publication, would readers accept this?

In my Classic days, I would have said that Females Are Not Envoys Period
Dot Full Stop.

Today, I'm a bit more nuanced; I would say that _the_ Envoy - that is, the
Aslan who carries the official title, and who can speak for the _huiha_ -
must be male, but the nuts-and-bolts of the agreement are worked out by
individuals trained as envoys but who are also subject matter specialists -
and these might well be female when the subject matter is business or
technical (or some other area that is a female role in Aslan society).

A male who is expected to act as his _huiha_'s official 'face' in
negotiations may be trained as an envoy, with no other career. A subject
matter specialist would have at least one more term in a career related to
his/her subject matter specialty than he/she does as an envoy, and has at
least one term as an envoy.

>PS While I'm here, does the Rite of Passage score need recording for use
>after char gen?  Is it ever required again?

I'm not aware of any instances in canon where RoP is needed after character
generation, but I'd record it anyway - I can imagine a situation where two
Aslan might have to decide precedence between them based on some aspect of
their respective Rites of Passage. It's a cultural thing, you know...

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