Re: G'Father was Re: Jump Fuel (was Re: [TML] Instant city) Thomas Jones-Low 13 Feb 2016 21:10 UTC

On 2/13/2016 1:03 PM, Phil Pugliese (via tml list) wrote:
> While we're on the subject, here's another 'thing' I've wondered about;
> How do we even know that the 'real' G'Father was actually the one to survive?
> (I suppose that it wouldn't make much diff to us mere mortals but suppose that 'he' never actually came back?
> Maybe he's been wandering around out there somewhere?
> And maybe he was what was actually approaching & led Strephon to covertly leave Capital just in time?

	One of the ongoing conspiracy theories for the Traveller universe from the
SJGames boards was that the final war wasn't over. That Grandfather had kill
most of his children. But there were a few still left. Really well hidden and
manipulating events each from their own pocket universes.

	The reason the Hiver Manipulations work so well is one of the children work,
through numerous agents, makes sure the work.

         Thomas Jones-Low