Surface mapping and traveller, alternate approaches Caleuche (14 Feb 2018 08:34 UTC)
Re: [TML] Surface mapping and traveller, alternate approaches Jeff Zeitlin (14 Feb 2018 23:36 UTC)

Re: [TML] Surface mapping and traveller, alternate approaches Jeff Zeitlin 14 Feb 2018 23:36 UTC

The standard Traveller world map is an unfolded icosahedron. If you fold it
back into a icosahedron, you'll have a probably-generally-acceptable
approximation to a sphere.

There was a map generator at, which could generate images
from laying the map on a sphere, or could generate Traveller-style
unfolded-icosahedron maps, but the site appears to have gone catastrophic;
perhaps it will come back soon.

On Wed, 14 Feb 2018 03:33:58 -0500, Caleuche <> wrote:

>I've been trying to take traveller world maps and map them onto my three
>dimensional system. This time, I do know that other people do this and I'm
>not the only one:
>I had some difficulty coming up with a good system for translating the flat
>traveller maps that you generate as part of the rules to a sphere and
>started to wonder if it wouldn't be useful (in some cases) when defining a
>world to not use hexes but points on the world defined in latitudes and
>longitudes, and then in some automated way convert that to the traveller
>style maps for gameplay (or for shorthand reference, with the three
>dimensional coordinates being the "real" ones.
>My goal is to be able to draw a given traveller map on the surface of a
>world and be able to orient it relative to spacecraft:
>From my point of view it's easier to deal with map data this way, but has
>anyone done something like what I'm describing before - generated some
>method of converting map data between projections (spherical or geodic or
>what have you) to game?-----

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Jeff Zeitlin, Editor
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