Re: JSTOR & current subscriptions -- Werner Lind Stephen D. Clark 02 Aug 2000 20:15 UTC

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: JSTOR & current subscriptions -- Alice Gormley
Date: Wed, 2 Aug 2000 16:06:14 -0400
From: Werner Lind <wlind@MAIL.BLUEFIELD.EDU>

    We are a small liberal arts college library serving perhaps 600-700
students.  Last year, we discarded all of our print runs which were
duplicated on JSTOR.  The reason for this decision was the need to fit
constantly growing periodical collection into a fixed area of shelving,
which has become too tight to allow for the luxury of unnecessary
    We are keeping the current five years worth of print issues where
have always been.  Since we don't bind things very systematically, the
decision not to bind these runs
was not particularly noticeable or significant.  Since they will only be
kept for five years and are lightly used, I don't anticipate any serious
problems with unbound issues being lost or stolen.
    These decisions work out well in our physical and demographic
situation.  If yours is
different, our example may not be completely transferable to your

> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: JSTOR & current subscriptions
> Date: Wed, 2 Aug 2000 13:35:57 -0500
> From: Alice Gormley <Alice.Gormley@MARQUETTE.EDU>
> We are (like many of you, I'm sure) pondering the relationship of JSTOR
> and
> its equivalent print backruns.  As physical shelf space becomes more and
> more limited, we are considering the pros and cons of removing these
> print
> runs from our shelves (especially since CRL has given assurances that
> they
> will act as a repository of the print).
> If you have JSTOR, I'd very much appreciate your input on a couple of
> questions:
> 1.  Have you, or are you considering, removal of the print equivalents
> to
> the JSTOR issues?  If you have made a decision either way, please
> elaborate
> a bit on what factors tipped the decision one way or the other.
> 2.  If you have decided to remove the print backrun equivalents, what
> are
> you doing with the current 5 years of print?  How are they physically
> shelved?  Have you found a satisfactory alternative to binding?
> Thanks--
> Alice Gormley
> Serials Librarian
> Marquette University Libraries
> 414/288-7252

Werner A. Lind
Reference Librarian
Bluefield College
3000 College Dr.
Bluefield, VA 24605