Re: Journals from Swets/Blackwell Downing Caitlin 23 Aug 2000 17:22 UTC

Last year we received a magazine that we had never ordered. It was a
health-related journal about addiction, but I cannot remember the name of
it. We found out through the publisher that it had been ordered through
Blackwell and was paid already.  We never were able to figure out how that
could have happened. We had never ordered and we had never paid.

 Downing Caitlin <cdowning@SANTAROSA.EDU>

-----Original Message-----
From: Melissa H. Fayad [mailto:FayadM@MISSOURI.EDU]
Sent: Wednesday, August 23, 2000 7:55 AM
Subject: Journals from Swets/Blackwell

Over the last few days, we have been receiving journals from the Blackwells
Publication.  These are not journals to which we are subscribed.  They are
mailed by Blackwell and are Blackwell publications.  So far, Blackwell has
not found out why we are receiving them.  Has anyone else received
unsolicited Blackwell publications?

Melissa Hassien Fayad
Serials Assistant
University of Missouri-Columbia
Law Library
224 Hulston Hall
Columbia, MO  65211-4190

(573) 884-4455
fax (573) 882-9676