Re: Serial check-in using SICI barcode? Deej Baker 31 Jul 2001 21:33 UTC

We use Sirsi which makes it a bit harder to use the sici because we have
13 locations and you have to choose the branch library to check it into
before you try to check it in. This can be rather difficult with some
titles, especially some of the science titles, it is hard to identify if
it is a math or a physics location from the title.

I find that using the barcode is a wonderful thing even with this small
difficulty. It can be much faster if your checkins have been properly
generated. I did a small study of this some years ago here at UVA and
found that only about 40% of our titles had the barcode sici on them and
then only about 20% worked properly, they were often misprinted or the bar
code reader could not read it well. This was about 5 years ago. I have not
studied this recently but just through observation it seems to me that
there are less titles with the bar sici on them. I personally would find
it useful if more publishers would include them on their journals. I have
asked our major vendor Faxon to encourage publishers to print it on their

If you do have influence in this area please do so. At this time with so
few titles using it I find it is not worthwhile to train my students to
use it. If the majority of titles had this it would be more efficient.

Deej Baker

Deej Baker                      voice:  804-924-4958
Cataloging/Periodicals          fax:  804-982-4579
P.O. BOX 400151                 e:
Alderman Library
University of Virginia
Charlottesville, VA  22904-4151

--On Tuesday, July 31, 2001 2:23 PM -0400 Regina Reynolds <rrey@LOC.GOV> wrote:

> Serialsters--
> I am interested in learning about any experience you might have with
> checking in serials using the SICI barcode.  Innovative Interfaces
> Millenium system advertises this capability, and I believe some other
> systems have it as well.  I would be interested in some sense of how well
> check-in worked, how compatible with the MARC holdings format it was, what
> proportion of your serials were printing the barcode, what system you
> have, and any other information you could share.  The SICI represents an
> important use of the ISSN and I am interested in hearing more about the
> current success or future potential of this application of the ISSN.
> Additionally, serials check-in via an online system can be a complex and
> time-consuming process (as LC is learning).  Anything that can speed this
> process is useful to know about.  NSDP is in a position to encourage
> publishers to print the SICI barcode if it is a useful check-in tool.
> Please either post to the list or contact me directly.  Thank you in
> advance for any information you can share.
> Regina
> Regina  R. Reynolds                     email:
> Head, National Serials Data Program     voice: (202) 707-6379
> Library of Congress                     fax    (202) 707-6333
> 101 Independence Avenue, S.E.           ISSN Web page:
> Washington, D.C. 20540-4160