Re: Chat: Library Cats (Julia Franklin) ERCELAA@ctrvax.Vanderbilt.Edu 09 Jul 2001 18:23 UTC

Date: Mon, 09 Jul 2001 08:40:55 -0600
From: Julia Franklin <JFRANK@ISL.STATE.ID.US>
Subject: Re: Chat: Library Cats (Donna Bennett)


I want to make a few comments about animals in the library.

>>From a aesthetic stand point having a library cat sounds quaint and
comforting, but from a different view cats are a bigger responsibility
than first glance would indicate.

If you are resolved to do this know the following issues:

Not everyone is thrilled to see cats, due to allergies, phobias, and

Cats are not always thrilled to see people. This could be a liability
issue if the cat scratched a patron.

Children need to be monitored around animals , for the children, as well
as the cat's well being.

Cats need a cat box, where is that to be located and who will be
responsible for cleaning it.

You will need to keep shots and vet exams current.  Ask a local vet for a
certificate of health and keep it in the files at the library.

You will need to have one person who is assigned to feed the cat and put
up signage that no-one else feed the cat, lest you come up with a fat cat.

You will need to put signs up at the front door telling patrons about the
cat and asking them not to let it out of the building.

A cat is not a toy, it needs attention, on its schedule, and needs to be
left alone on its schedule.

What happens to the cat when the library is closed for holidays and other
times the library is closed?

NUMBER ONE:  You will need to have the cat spayed or neutered.
And who is gong to pay for the vet bills???

Just my 2 cents worth.

Julia Franklin
Serials LA I
Idaho State Library
Boise, ID
The opinions are my own, and not the opinions
of anyone, anywhere the world.

Date: Fri, 06 Jul 2001 13:14:16 -0400
From: Donna Yanney Bennett <dyanney@MAIL.GCSU.EDU>
Subject: Chat:  Library Cats

(Let's see if this will slip by the moderators on a Friday afternoon ... )

Okay, this isn't a serials-related question, but this list provides such a
wonderful access to such a wide variety of libraries and librarians and
library staff that I simply can't pass up the opportunity to pick your
brains.  My library is bandying about the idea (not too seriously) of
acquiring a library cat.  I'm curious how many and what types of libraries
have resident cats and whether or not on the whole it is a positive
experience for all involved.

Thanks much,


Donna Yanney Bennett, Serials Librarian
Georgia College & State University Library
Milledgeville, GA

But Mousie, thou art no thy lane,
In proving foresight may be vain:
The best-laid schemes o mice an men
Gang aft agley,
An lea'e us nought but grief an pain,
For promis'd joy!

           --Robert Burns, To a Mouse

                       Have a nice day!