Re: Check-In workflow not based on alphabet (Lynn Cote) ERCELAA@ctrvax.Vanderbilt.Edu 11 Jul 2001 20:44 UTC

Date: Wed, 11 Jul 2001 14:22:01 -0400
From: Lynn Cote <Lynn.Cote@UCONN.EDU>
Subject: Re: Check-In workflow not based on alphabet (Ann Doyle)

Once in an online environment we found it inefficient to alphabetize titles.
Our mail is opened by students and the bulk of the journals are checked in
by students.  Once the daily mail is opened and stacked on the mail opening
table the student/students take a stack to a computer to check in (new
titles, entry changes, check-in problems or pattern problems are set aside
for staff).  Since our journals are shelved alphabetically the entry is
*hatched* at the point of check-in.  If the shelving entry is not on the
cover a label is applied with the correct shelving entry (pop-up note).
Approximately 750 items are checked in weekly for our main periodicals
collection.  We have wooden trucks labelled with the various satellite
locations onto which each journal is sorted after it is checked in.  We use
pop-up notes as a visual reminder for routing to locations other than the
main periodicals collection.  (As you can imagine, pop-up notes are used for
many purposes--routing, shelving entries, backfile orders, entry changes,
etc.) Our service goal for journals to be checked in is with a 24-48 hr.
turn-around time and this is consistently being met for all non-problematic
receipt.  Students usually have daily mail opened and checked in   the same
day or early the next morning. We have our main periodicals collection as
well as 7 satellite locations on campus.  We also have 5 regional campuses
for which our students see check-in records and are trained to differentiate

Lynn K. Cote
Serials Receipt Coordinator
Collections Services, U-5BC
University of Connecticut
Homer Babbidge Library
369 Fairfield Road
Storrs, CT 06269-1005
fax: (860)486-6493

Date: Wed, 11 Jul 2001 08:26:53 -0400
From: Ann Doyle <asdoyl2@POP.UKY.EDU>
Subject: Check-In workflow not based on alphabet

Who has gotten away from assignments for serials check-in by titles'
alphabetic range?

1. How do you organize check-in assignments?

2. How do the mail people know where to route/how to sort the pieces?

3. Have you tried something that didn't work well before you found the
right solution?  What was it?

If you'd like to respond directly to me, I'll post a summary to the list.


Ann S. Doyle
Serials Acquisitions Librarian
Young Library Serials                   V: 859-257-0500 x2132
University of Kentucky Libraries        F: 859-257-0508
Lexington  KY  40506-0456               E: