Re: Taking Haworth to task Dan Lester 13 Jul 2001 21:48 UTC

I, too, hope to see a response from Haworth.  If memory serves, the
last response from a Haworth person was stating that all their
journals were on time, never late, etc.   Well, since that was proven
to be incorrect by several, and since others have added major issues,
we've not heard a word from a Haworth person.  I hope that by next
week they've had a chance to get their information together and give
us something besides smoke and mirrors.


 Friday, July 13, 2001, 7:33:12 AM, Steve Murden wrote:

SM> It's refreshing to see publisher representatives on this list
SM> and I would hope that their presence helps to serve as a
SM> learning process for those on both sides.  Haworth - notice
SM> how quickly people have jumped on this topic and how
SM> strongly they feel about it.   These are your customers,
SM> the people who help decide whether or not to continue
SM> the subscriptions to your publications.  There are many
SM> other mainstream publishers who manage to get it mostly
SM> right.  I hope you'll take these comments as constructive
SM> criticism and learn from them.

Dan Lester, Data Wrangler
3577 East Pecan, Boise, Idaho  83716-7115 USA  Stop Global Whining!