Haworth response Kathy Rutz 16 Jul 2001 19:37 UTC

Yes, we're listening.

As many of you know, The Haworth Press has been invested in  library and
information science for years, and it has always been our goal to
contribute to this field, not hinder it.  The academic publishing industry
is a work in progress, and we are committed to riding the remarkable
changes we've seen in recent years. Our production process, product
development, fulfillment methods, and other resources are also works in
progress.  We are becoming increasingly aggressive in our attempts to
improve our methods, and we're very optimistic about some recently
implemented changes.

To that end, your comments have been especially useful.  I hope our replies
have also been instructive--most of those who posted recent messages about
Haworth have already heard directly from us.  In some cases we've asked for
more information so we can investigate appropriately.   (For example, under
no circumstances do we set rate increases in the middle of a subscription.
We talk often with librarians in the field and know very well how damaging
such a move would be.  We would also like to get to the bottom of this, so
we've asked for details.)  In other cases we've had the opportunity to
explain reasons for our choices, and to note differences between libraries.

Most of you, I'm sure, are interested in constructive conversation and
problem solving.  We are too.  To begin, we'll take these recent posts and
use them to compile a FAQ (or Frequently Voiced Complaints) list for your
information.  If you have something on your mind that has not yet been
conveyed, please feel free to email me (below).  Email is better than phone
because it provides a means of archiving your remarks, and I'm already on
the phone most of the time anyway.

Thanks in advance for comments that are both candid and constructive.

Kathy Rutz
VP, Special Projects
The Haworth Press, Inc.
10 Alice Street
Binghamton, New York  13904
tel: 607-656-7981
fax: 607-656-7876