Re: Inventorying a journal collection, time involved (2 messages) Birdie MacLennan 27 Jul 2001 00:46 UTC

2 messages, 81 lines:

Date:         Thu, 26 Jul 2001 17:09:53 -0400
From:         "Laura C. Wood" <lcwood@EMORY.EDU>
Organization: Emory University
Subject:      Re: Inventorying a journal collection, time involved

I'd be very interested in replies and/or a summary of replies on this
topic. Methods, timeline, advice, etc.

Laura C. Wood
Pitts Theology Library
Emory University

Date:         Thu, 26 Jul 2001 17:24:23 -0500
From:         Sandy Srivastava <ssrivast@LIU.EDU>
Subject:      Re: Inventorying a journal collection, time involved

We recently did an inventory for our current titles because we were going
to start automating our records into the Horizon Sunrise system.  We have
around 2170 current print titles.  We began March 2000 and finished in
January 2001.  Also we also did an inventory of our microform collection
which finished in April 2001.  I agree that it is a long and tedious
process but we felt it was necessary to have our holdings online and as
complete as possible to help the library users find what they need.  The 3
clerks in the Acquisitions Dept. and I worked on the project during the
summer.  During the Fall/Spring semester, only the Serials Acquisitions
Clerk and I, when I had time, worked on the project.  We had a party in
the Technical Services Dept to celebrate the end of the project.

Sandhya D. Srivastava
Assistant Professor
Serials Acquisitions Librarian
Long Island University
Brooklyn Campus
One University Plaza
Brooklyn, NY 11201
Telephone: (718) 780 - 4181
Fax: (718) 780 - 4027

----- Original Message -----
From: "Andrew Shroyer" <ashroye@EXCHANGE.CALSTATELA.EDU>
Sent: Thursday, July 26, 2001 3:39 PM
Subject: Inventorying a journal collection, time involved

> Dear Serialists,
> Our library has devised a new holdings pattern for our online displays,
> and, while implementing, we have been attempting to verify holdings (in
> effect, inventorying the collection).  A library assistant, working
> half-time over nearly 5 months, has completed the reformatting and
> verification of holdings for 700 titles.  This is about 15% completion, as
> we have about 4,500 titles to be treated (out of a total journal
> collection of 7,700, if anyone is curious).  I don't know if the pace will
> pick up as time goes on--but this is looking quite possibly like a
> years-long project...
> My question is:  who has had experience inventoring a small to medium
> journals collection, and how long did it take?  Any stories you have may
> be useful.  Please send replies directly to me.
> Thanks much.
> Andrew Shroyer
> Serials Specialist
> JFK Memorial Library, CSLA
> 5151 State University Drive
> Los Angeles, CA 90032
> Phone: (323) 343-3975
> Email: