Re: Disappearing microform titles (Peter Picerno) Peter Picerno 19 Sep 2001 16:21 UTC

I would like to clarify the following statement which I made in response
to Mr. Henderson's posting and which Mr. Lester pointed out.

When I wrote: "It is even possible that some enterprising libraries might
go so far as to pay departments or individuals in departments to subscribe
as individuals rather than to burden the library with an inordinately
expensive institutional subscription." I was NOT advocating that a library
empower an individual to subscribe as an individual on behalf of a
library, but I was merely stating that it would be worth it to the library
to pay the faculty member to subscribe as an individual and to keep the
issues themselves rather than to burden the library with both the
subscription cost as well as the long-term maintenance of a title which
would be of little use (because of its narrow focus and esoteric nature)
to the academic community.

I'm sure that we all have had experiences with subscriptions which are in
support, largely, of one person's research interest, and I do not believe
that it is economically feasible for many libraries to support that sort
of bibliographic generosity, whereas it might be more possible for an
academic department to do so.

Peter Picerno