Re: Closing serial bib record - accounting for partial volumes (3 messages) Birdie MacLennan 25 Sep 2001 18:03 UTC

3 messages, 81 lines:

Date:         Tue, 25 Sep 2001 10:22:49 -0400
From:         Beverly Geckle <>
Subject:      Re: Closing serial bib record - accounting for partial volumes

9/24/01 10:18:56 PM, Elizabeth McDonald <lizm@UNR.EDU> wrote:

 When closing a serial bib record for a title change in the 300 field, how
 do you count partial volumes.  The 362 runs from v.13 no.4 to v.17 no.3.
 Are these partial volumes counted on both titles? >>

I found the following statement from CONSER Cataloging Manual: Contents

11.1.3. Serials that are complete

If a serial has ceased publication or the record is continued by another
due to a change in title , etc., record the number of volumes published,
when this information is available. According to LCRI 12.5B2, record the
number of bibliographic rather than physical volumes. For example, if a
serial is numbered as vol. 12, no. 2-v. 14, no. 5, record as "3 v.",
regardless of how many physical pieces are involved.

Beverly Geckle
Beverly J. Geckle
Serials Management Librarian
University of Baltimore Law Library
tel 410-837-4378
fax 410-837-4570

Date:         Mon, 24 Sep 2001 23:56:28 EDT
From:         Enrique Gildemeister <RGildem550@AOL.COM>
Subject:      Re: Closing serial bib record - accounting for partial volumes


You would give the volume and number as they actually occur on the last
piece.  The rules on this have changed recently, but the thrust is to
accept certain standard abbreviations, with other forms being entered as
they appear.  If I understand what you mean by "partial volumes", you are
viewing v. 17 as incomplete, because it does not include a "no. 4" and v.
14 incomplete because no. 1-3 are missing.  A quarterly publication can
change title within a volume.  Just say:

362 0   Vol. 13, no. 4-v. 17, no. 3.

Partial volumes in between that span are coded in the holdings record.

Hope this helps.

Rick Gildemeister

Date:         Tue, 25 Sep 2001 11:03:29 -0400
From:         Karen Nadeski <knadeski@CSLIB.ORG>
Subject:      Re: Closing serial bib record - accounting for partial volumes

Yes, I would put 5 v. in 300 field for this title.

Karen Nadeski
Project Librarian, Connecticut Newspaper Project
Connecticut State Library
231 Capitol Ave.
Hartford, CT  06106-1537
FAX: 860-757-6559

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record of daily life over the past 400 years."
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