Worst Serial Title Change of the Year (Eugene Dickerson) Marcia Tuttle 28 Feb 2002 20:36 UTC

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Date: Thu, 28 Feb 2002 11:02:25 -0500
From: Eugene Dickerson <DICKERSE@MAIL.NLM.NIH.GOV>
Subject: Worst Serial Title Change of the Year

AWARDS, 2002

Awards Season is now in full swing!  The ACLTS Serials Section Worst
Serial Title Change of the Year Committee is seeking nominations for the
awards for 2002. You can see the past winners (1984-2001) on the ALCTS
website at: http://www.ala.org/alcts/organization/ss/worst.html

Are there serial title changes that you have had to deal with this past
year that were particularly troubling?  Did you ask yourself, "Why, oh why
did they change this title?"  "What were they thinking?"  or perhaps, you
just asked, "Why me?"  In any case, the SS Worst Serial Title Change
Committee would love to hear from you.  Send us your worst!  (How often do
you get that opportunity?)  Tell us just how bad it was.

In order to be eligible for an award, the title change should have
occurred during calendar year 2001.  It would be really helpful if you
send surrogates of the title change (i.e. the "before" and "after") from
the issues involved in the change, plus a copy of the bibliographic
records.  We would also be interested in a category or name for your
nominee, if you have one (e.g. The Shorter, but not Sweeter Award or the
Everything Old is New Again Award (for the serial that decided to change
back to a previously used title), or the Unwanted Preposition Award. This
is your chance to let those people who make these titles changes know how
you feel about them (or, at least vent your frustration).

We're also interested in nominations for the perennial Snake in the Grass
Award, which goes to library-related publications that have the nerve (or
the gall) to change title, when they should have known better.

How about the "Lifetime Achievement" Award for a title or group of titles,
which have been particularly egregious in the past?

We're interested in nominations for serials in any format, i.e. print or
electronic, for this "prestigious" award.

You know you have a title change in your problem pile that you'd just love
to vent about!  Send it in!

Send your nominations to:
Gene Dickerson
Serial Records Section
National Library of Medicine
Bldg. 38, Room B1W10
8600 Rockville Pike
Bethesda, MD 20894
fax (301) 402-0422