Re: Liverpool Classical Monthly -- Linda Pitts Stephen Clark 02 Oct 2002 15:53 UTC

-------- Original Message --------
Date: Wed, 2 Oct 2002 08:37:59 -0700 (PDT)
From: Linda Pitts <>
Subject: Re: Liverpool Classical Monthly -- Ken Siegert


The last issue we got was v. 20 no. 3/4 (Mar/Apr 1995), which arrived in
November 1998.  Early in 2001, our vendor told us that this was the last
one published, publication having been delayed by the death of the editor.
But they went on to say that the publication was resuming and that we
should get v. 20 no. 5/6 in about six week.  We never got that or any
other later issues.

Hope this helps.


                             Linda M. Pitts
                   Head, Serials Receipts, UW Libraries

Serials Receipts Section                e-mail:
University of Washington Libraries      v-mail: (206)685-3979
Box 352900                              fax:    (206)543-0854
Seattle, WA 98195-2900

 > -------- Original Message --------
 > Date: Wed, 02 Oct 2002 08:53:25 -0500
 > From: Ken Siegert <>
 > Subject: Liverpool Classical Monthly
 > Hi Everyone,
 > Our Library is having some difficulty with the title Liverpool
 > Classical Monthly.
 > We have not received any issues for quite sometime.  The last issue
 > received was Vol. 20, Issues 1/2, dated Jan/Feb 1995.
 > I have contacted our subscription agent about this title
 > (SwetsBlackwell), and they responded that the title is "inactive" as
 > they are unable to locate the publisher.
 > I have also found some information indicating that the title has ceased.
 > Does anyone have an idea as to the last issue published?  Any other
 > Thanks,
 > Ken
 > --
 > Ken Siegert
 > Acquisitions Assistant
 > Shadek-Fackenthal Library
 > Franklin & Marshall College
 > P.O. Box 3003
 > Lancaster, PA  17604-3003
 > Phone - (717) 291-4219
 > Fax -       (717) 291-4160