Assistance with Summary Holdings formulation Vance, Kendall 02 Oct 2002 18:18 UTC

I am hopeful that someone might be able to offer a suggestion to help
formulate a summary holdings statement (for union listing purposes) for the

Title: New directions for community colleges
OCLC# (as our holdings are currently listed) 1589318

The title has undergone a few quirky changes in enumeration over the years,
involving changes in numbering methodology, omitted volumes in numbering,
and changes (sort of) in numbering designations. We own 1979 - present,
enumerated as follows:

-       v. 7 through v.8 (A.K.A issues #25-#32)
-       #33-#36 (volume number  omitted (deliberately?) for this issue only,
would have been v.9. )
-       v.10-v.28 (A.K.A. #37-#112)
-       #113-    (publisher ceased to use periodic volume #s with repeating
issues #s beginning with issue # 113)

The summary holdings statements I have considered:

v.7-v.8=#25-#32;#33-#36;v.10-v.28=#37-#112;#113-  (if omission of v.9 was
deliberate (though indecisive) on part of publisher)
v.7-v.28=#25-#112;#113- (if omission of v.9 was in error)
v.7-=#25-  (if dropping the volume/issue designators is not considered a
change in numbering designation, per ANSI/NISO Z39.71-1999).
some combination thereof.

I am uncertain as to the correctness of indicating the non-gap breaks shown
here, because these are only sort of  non-gap breaks. The incrementing issue
#s begin with #25 and continue uninterrupted up to the present day (no
break). The intermittent inclusion/exclusion of volume/issue numbers is
causing me some consternation. v. 9 is omitted & #113-present do not carry a
volume designation.  I am at a loss; any suggestions will be valued.

Thank you,

Kendall Vance
Interlibrary Loan/Periodicals Management Assistant
Waubonsee Community College
Todd Library
Route 47 at Harter Rd.
Sugar Grove, IL 60554
Ph# 630.466.7900 x2333
Fax# 630.466.7799