Re: Electronic resources and collection development (Mary Bailey) SERIALST Moderator 17 Oct 2002 20:09 UTC

Date: Thu, 17 Oct 2002 09:51:11 -0500
From: Mary Bailey <>
Subject: RE: Electronic resources and collection development (Mark Ferguson)

Mark,  would you be willing to share the information you receive?

Mary Bailey
Serials Manager
Kansas State University Libraries
Manhattan, KS 66506

>===== Original Message =====
>Date: Thu, 17 Oct 2002 08:57:56 -0400
>From: "Mark Ferguson" <>
>Subject: Electronic resources and collection development
>I am looking for models for collection development policies that take into
>consideration the explosion of serials now available in electronic
>fulltext form, from various sources, but in particular aggregate fulltext
>databases such as Ebsco's Academic Search Premer or Proquest ( to name
>just two).  The issues by now are fairly well known (access vs. ownership,
>etc) but I haven't found too many examples of actual collection
>development policies for serials in which these various electronic
>resources have been incorporated into, and actively affect the decision
>making process that determines which subscriptions to paper journals are
>maintained.  The relatively recent development of serials management
>services (such as Serials solutions) may also play a role in how we
>incorporate electronic versions of journals into our collection
>development policies. Has anyone developed such a collection development
>policy or know of one that they would be interested in sharing?  Have
>there been any articles published on this particular subject (I haven't
>found any).  Given that I am going through the process of developing one
>myself, I would be most interested in hearing what the current thinking is
>on this matter.
>Mark Ferguson
>Periodicals librarian, Mahoney Library, CSE