Numbering for title "Journal of Legal Studies Terry Schiissler 31 Oct 2002 17:58 UTC

Hello all,
We subscribe to the tile "Journal of Legal Studies".   We think but are not certain, we are missing
some issues.  The title has a different numbering scheme.
Quite possibly we have all the issues.
We have the following:

Volume XXVIII (1) January 1999
Volume XXVIII (2) June 1999
Volume XXIX (1) (Pt. 1) January 2000
Volume XXIX (1) (Pt. 2) January 2000
Volume XXIX (2) (Pt. 1) June 2000
Volume XXIX (2) (Pt. 2) June 2000
Volume XXX (1)  January 2001
Volume XXX (2) (Pt. 2) June 2001
Volume XXXI (1) (Pt. 2) January 2002
Volume XXXI (2) (Pt. 1) June 2002

Our question is - were the following issues published:

Volume XXX (2) (Pt. 1) June 2001
Volume XXXI (1) (Pt.1) January 2002
Volume XXXI (2) (Pt. 2) June 2002

It looks as if there is no Volume XXX (1) (Pt. 2) January 2001 - am I correct?

Do I need to claim for any missing issues?

Thanks for all the help anyone can provide.

Terry Schiissler
Serials Specialist
Dr. John Archer Library
University of Regina
Regina, SK
Canada    S4S 0A2
Telephone - (306) 585-4409
FAX - (306) 585-4868