Faxon/RoweCom/divine Marcia Tuttle 19 Dec 2002 23:41 UTC

Subject: Faxon/RoweCom/Divine
Date: Thu, 19 Dec 2002 15:28:34 -0600
From: "Gormley, Alice" <alice.gormley@marquette.edu>

Here at Marquette, we are trying to get the clearest picture of the
Divine financial situation and its repercussions for us as soon as
possible.  I'm sure that others of you who are Divine customers are
doing the same.  If you are a Faxon/RoweCom/Divine customer, could you
please send me a quick e-mail to that effect as soon as possible (to me
personally so as not to clog the list).

Thanks very much--

Alice Gormley
Serials Librarian
Marquette University Libraries


Subject:  Faxon/Rowecom/not-so-divine
Date: Thu, 19 Dec 2002 15:58:11 -0600
From: "Skwor, Jeanette" <skworj@uwgb.edu>

***Are people still getting through to their service rep? I just called
mine, dialed her extension and got a recording saying if I am calling
about 2003 subscriptions I need to go through DSI and giving names and
email addresses.

***I was calling to check on other matters and feel really really cut off
now.  I did leave a message with her name, saying I was trying to reach
her on other matters.  I had talked to her yesterday, and she said that
claiming etc was still proceeding as normal.

***Why wouldn't one be given the option of pressing (whatever) if one is
calling about 2003 subs and leaving the other extensions as is?

***Winnie-the-Pooh must have a saying that covers this, but I am not
coming up with it.


Jeanette L. Skwor
Cofrin Library, Serials Dept.
U-W Green Bay
2420 Nicolet Drive
Green Bay, WI  54311-7001

My continual hope is for Peace on Earth,
Goodwill toward Men, and anything chocolate.
