PRINT matazine -- Max Shenk Stephen Clark 11 Feb 2003 15:14 UTC

Date: Tue, 11 Feb 2003 09:56:35 -0500
From: "Max Shenk" <>
Subject: PRINT magazine

Hi all...

A question re PRINT ("America's Graphic Design Magazine"); "published
bi-monthly, six issues to the volume."

Last issue we received of this publication (which has been behind
schedule, according to Ebsco) was volume 56, number 4. The new issue,
received yesterday, was volume 57, number 1.

Were there Volume 56, numbers 5 and 6?

I've CC'd this email to Krause Publications' circulation department in
hopes of getting an answer from them as well. Any light you can shed on
this matter would be appreciated.

Enjoy the winter, all!

Max Shenk
Periodicals Assistant
Montgomery County Community College Library
Blue Bell, PA