ARL e-metrics question Steve Corrsin 17 May 2004 20:20 UTC


I am trying to finish Wayne State's ARL 2002-03 supplementary statstics for
e-metrics. (Better late than never.)

Questions 1-5, on the numbers of electronic titles, categorized in various
ways, are particularly hard to answer. The survey form gives a few examples
which in fact don't help much. We're ordered the "Measures" volumes which
should help, but the order is taking quite a while to be filled.

Is any among us here willing to share a more complete list of the resources
as categorized for the survey?

Any help will be gratefully received.

Steve Corrsin

Stephen D. Corrsin
Head of Acquisitions, Wayne State University Libraries
5150 Anthony Wayne Dr.
Detroit MI 48202
tel 313-577-4005
fax 313-577-3615