CLA Preconference Announcement Jane Binksma 14 Apr 2005 18:56 UTC

Hello Serial-ST'ers!

The Canadian Library Association's Annual Conference in Calgary,
Alberta is just around the corner.  The Technical Services Interest
Group is organizing a preconference for those wishing to learn about
subject cataloguing.  It will be held at the conference site (Telus
Convention Centre) on June 15, 2005.

Gain a solid foundation in the principles and practices of subject
cataloguing using the Library of Congress Subject Headings. This
preconference includes information on determining what a work is about,
background on the principles and structure of LCSH, and guidance in
understanding the elements of subject authority records. You will learn
by working with practical examples, including the application of
topical, form, geographic, and chronological subdivisions, and the use
of names as subjects.

Please learn more and find the registration form here:

Thanks, and hope to see you there!

Jane Binksma
Acquisitions Librarian
Collections Team
Ryerson University Library
350 Victoria Street
Toronto, ON
M5B 2K3
416-979-5000 ex. 4855