ALA Annual: Electronic Resource Management IG Kitti Canepi 19 Jun 2006 19:47 UTC

If you are interested in new developments in Electronic Resource
Management, come join the ERM Interest Group at ALA Annual 2006.

Electronic Resource Management Interest Group
Agenda for ALA Annual

Time: Friday, June 23, 2006, 7:30 p.m. - 9 p.m
Location: Morial Convention Center, room 298-99

A meeting to share information and discuss hot topics and initiatives in
the area of electronic resource management, including local and vendor
development efforts. Participants will come ready to share experiences,
recommendations, and ideas for the continued development of electronic
resource management systems. Please come and participate in the discussion.


1. Welcome

2. Automatic Population & Importing/Exporting of Data
a. Usage Statistics Tim Jewell & Ted Fons
b. Licensing & Serials Exchange Nathan Robertson

3. Discussion re: Greater Interoperability & Making ERMs Effective Tools

4. Business Meeting
a. New Meeting Day & Time
b. Vice Chair/Chair-Elect

Kitti Canepi
ALCTS/LITA ERM IG Vice-Chair, Chair-Elect
Head of Information Resources Management
Southern Illinois University Carbondale