Re: Problems with Patristic and Byzantine Review Hillman, Kathy R. 01 Mar 2007 19:05 UTC

Baylor University receives Patristic and Byzantine Review through a
membership in the American Institute For Patristic And Byzantine Studies
handled by EBSCO.  We have had absolutely no problems.  We received
v.23(2005) on February 20, 2006 and v.24(2006) on January 30, 2007.

Kathy Hillman
Acquisitions Librarian
Baylor University

-----Original Message-----
From: SERIALST: Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum
[mailto:SERIALST@LIST.UVM.EDU] On Behalf Of Diane Faust
Sent: Thursday, March 01, 2007 10:41 AM
Subject: [SERIALST] Problems with Patristic and Byzantine Review

I'm wondering if anyone has experienced problems similar to ours with
Patristic and Byzantine Review, published by The American Institute for
Patristic and Byzantine Studies, Kingston, NY.

We have not received v.23 (2005) or v.24 (2006) despite many
communications between the publisher, ourselves and our serials vendor.
Both 2005 and 2006 payments were sent to the publisher on time.  Both
payment checks were cashed, but due to a misunderstanding, the wrong
rate was paid.  (Information about the wrong 2005 rate was communicated
more than a year after the payment.)  However, an addition payment to
balance the account was sent months ago.  We thought that all was well
until receiving a note from the vendor yesterday that the 2005 issue was
already sent and an additional $150.00 is now required for the pub to
resend.  No mention was made about the 2006 issue.

Our problem is that this journal is important to our collection.  It's
frustrating that the response to every claim was met with the publishers
confusion: did we pay, what we paid, or a request for more money, etc,
etc.   This has been going on for over a year.  Now I'm beginning to
wonder if these volumes were ever published.  Has anyone received v.23
(2005) or v.24 (2006).  Also, has anyone else experienced problems with
this publisher?

Diane Faust
Serials Librarian
Pittsburgh Theological Seminary