Re: Question regarding permissions to film a print journal Regina McEneaney 08 Mar 2007 21:14 UTC

UMI had sold their microfilm titles to Proquest who last Fall sold the
microfilming for journals to a company - NAPC
National Archive Publishing Company  6814 Reliable Parkway  Chicago Il
60686-0001  (800-420-6272)  They may be able to help you.

Check out the address - maybe Time/Warner should move there :)

Regina McEneaney
Suffolk Co. Comm. College
533 College Rd.
Selden, NY.  11784

-----Original Message-----
From: SERIALST: Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum
[mailto:SERIALST@LIST.UVM.EDU] On Behalf Of Pennington, Buddy D.
Sent: Thursday, March 08, 2007 2:55 PM
Subject: [SERIALST] Question regarding permissions to film a print

Hi all,

Moving on from the Sports Illustrated discussion...:-)

There is a local business journal that was available in microfilm format
through UMI but is no longer available through them and is apparently
not available elsewhere.  It is a newsprint title so it's not something
we can bind.

I've contacted the publisher to get permission to have our print issues
filmed but they have been dragging this out for a few months now.  My
question is this. Do we need their permission in the first place?  I was
thinking the copyright exceptions and the DMCA allow for preservation
copies if none exist on the market and if access is restricted to within
the library.  So even if the publisher explicitly does not grant
permission, are we protected by federal law so long as we keep the film
in the library?

Any experience or more concrete knowledge on this would be much
appreciated.  Thanks!

Buddy Pennington
Serial Acquisitions Librarian
University of Missouri - Kansas City
University Libraries <>