Re: metapress Kristen Kruse (01 May 2015 17:13 UTC)
Re: metapress MSaunders@GALLERY.CA (01 May 2015 18:54 UTC)
Re: metapress B.E. Swetman (01 May 2015 20:24 UTC)
Re: metapress Loder, Julie L (01 May 2015 21:15 UTC)
Re: metapress Remy, Charlie (04 May 2015 12:31 UTC)
Re: metapress Andrea Imre (02 May 2015 01:38 UTC)

Re: metapress Loder, Julie L 01 May 2015 21:15 UTC

I was told by someone at Allen Press that you have to run the stats on each publisher platform and that the Pinnacle platform doesn't work for all of their publishers.  Your single admin account should work for each of the different platforms.  For instance, stats for Journal of Coastal Research are found here,, but Corrosion Journal stats are here,

-----Original Message-----
From: Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum [mailto:SERIALST@LISTSERV.NASIG.ORG] On Behalf Of B.E. Swetman
Sent: Friday, May 01, 2015 3:24 PM
Subject: Re: [SERIALST] metapress

Thanks to everyone for their responses.

With the information provided, I did find a notice from Allen Press, sent on Apr. 29. It was in regard to one of 4 titles/publishers with different domains. They seem to be behind on our 2015 renewals. I wonder if the Pinnacle site will provide accurate usage
The ID/pw I created for American Indian Culture and Research Journal works on pinnacle.

The only information on Liverpool I received was a posting to LIBLICENSE that they were going live Apr. 16. "Forgot my password" has given me access to the Administrative account.

ALA titles seem to have moved to using Open Journal Systems. No official notices received. Has anyone ever been able to get usage data for titles provided through OJS?

Demokratizatsiya seems to be in limbo.

Brepols is still on Metapress.

As other have observed Sharpe was sold to Taylor & Francis/Routledge and Baywood to Sage.

We use Serials Solutions for Open URL. They do not have the new URLs in their system yet, so I have no idea how Open URL will work.

Barbara Swetman
Acquisitions and Serials Librarian                        voice
Library and Information Technology Services    fax (315)859-4578
Hamilton College
198 College Hill Rd.
Clinton, NY 13323

On 5/1/2015 1:13 PM, Kristen Kruse wrote:
> I passed the messages from this list about metapress on to one of my colleagues and she asked me to share what's she's learned, adding: "I’ve been learning all of this through trial and error and emails to publishers; maybe our experience won’t apply to other institutions, but I hope this info will help save people some hassle."
> Atypon Platform
> We got emails from when journals moved to Atypon, so the transfer of access worked smoothly.  However, we’re having problems with admin functions:
> Branding – a logo won't show unless the publisher enables it.  A rep at Liverpool University Press talked with Atypon and then "changed the option to allow display of institutional logos to ‘true’".  It sounds like publishers don't know about this setting.  We uploaded our logo in the admin module, but the publisher has to enable it as well.
> OpenURL – ours isn’t working because the base URL ends in a “?” and apparently Atypon can’t handle that.  As a user of Alma, I’ve sent this to Ex Libris and they haven’t responded yet.  I don’t know how Atypon will work with other systems, but people should test their openURL links.
> Allen Press Platform
> We got emails from Allen Press when journals moved in, so the transfer was smooth but you do have to register with them to get 2015 content.
> OpenURL – same problem as Atypon – no terminating “?” allowed.  Test your openURL links.
> Admin in general:  confusing and odd.  Allen Press has a separate admin account for each journal:  the journal’s homepage plus an admin login.  The same login will apply to all, and when you log in to one journal admin you can see all the rest in a dropdown list.  However, to get accurate usage stats, you must to log in from each journal’s homepage and choose their account from the list.  If you log into one account and use the dropdown list to collect stats for all your accounts, the stats will be very inaccurate (down to single digits).


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