How do other libraries handle the Data Access Fee charged by the American
Mathematical Society? Only by paying the fee, which was $4,310 for 1996,
can the library subscribe to Mathematical Reviews (for an additional $350+).
Paying the fee also permits individuals and/or departments on campus to
purchase MathSci tapes, the MathSci Discs or additional subscriptions
to Mathematical Reviews.
Are you paying this fee from your journal renewals budget? Is it paid by
the Math Department or the Institution? Have you refused to pay it so that
you can get a subscription to Mathematical Reviews?
This inquiring mind wants to know!
Barbara Shaffer
Serials Librarian
Carlson Library
The University of Toledo
Toledo, OH 43606
Phone: (419) 530-2838
Fax: (419) 530-2726
Bitnet: fac0107@uoft01