Managing Errata (Elaine Simpson)
ERCELAA@ctrvax.Vanderbilt.Edu 19 Jan 1999 17:26 UTC
Date: Tue, 19 Jan 1999 09:55:06 -0700
From: Elaine Simpson <Elaine.Simpson@UALBERTA.CA>
Subject: Managing Errata
I am new to the list and would like to ask a question about errata.
I work in a large university library that subscribes to 15,000
We are presently reviewing how we deal with errata and can we do it
more efficiently. I would be very interested to find out how other
libraries deal with the whole errata issue.
Does your library do errata?
Which department is responsible for errata?
What process do you have in place to locate notices of errata.?
What procedures are in place to actually have the errata tipped into
the actual periodicals/serials?
For us with so many periodical/serial subscriptions, errata is a big
issue as far as staff time. I would really appreciate finding out
alternative ways of dealing with errata in time/cost effective way.
I would appreciate any comments people are willing to provide.
Elaine Simpson
Science Technology Library
Main Floor Cameron
University of Alberta
Edmonton, Alberta Canada T6G 2J8
Phone: (403) 492-4409
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But small ones surround us every day.
.......Sally Koch