Re: Backserv service (Janet Essency) ERCELAA@ctrvax.Vanderbilt.Edu 21 Jan 1999 17:26 UTC

Date: Thu, 21 Jan 1999 08:35:44 -0600
From: Janet Essency <essency@WARP6.CS.MISU.NODAK.EDU>
Subject: Re: Backserv service (Sunee Grima)

    I have used Backerv & Backmed for the past two years in my present
position. I have been able to fillin several hundred missing issues.
This includes single issues as well whole runs of volumes. I was
fortunate in my predecessors as they kept a list of missing issues from
the collections. So this is several decades worth of missing issues. My
biggest problem has been finding government document titles.
    I also uses Backserv in my previous position which was in a
science/medical library. The biggest problem there was with those titles
published by European publishers. You know, those expensive titles where
you can never get a claimed issue.
    There have been weeks where I never found an issue and then there
has been some weeks where I found something every day of the week. My
advice to you is to persevere.
Janet Essency

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