Re: [TML] Starports - Does higher class necessarily mean larger/higher traffic? Rupert Boleyn (28 Apr 2020 08:05 UTC)

Re: [TML] Starports - Does higher class necessarily mean larger/higher traffic? Rupert Boleyn 28 Apr 2020 08:05 UTC

On 28Apr2020 1915, Postmark - at (via tml
list) wrote:
> Near where I live is Felixstowe, biggest container port in the UK,
> very modern, can unload the biggest container ships.
> I’m guessing that you could refuel and reprovision but repairs? They
> could probably find a tug to tow you somewhere. Not sure there is a
> boat builder for anything much bigger than a rowing boat.
> So biggest and most modern port in the country - Class D.
Which illustrates another feature of the UWP people sometimes forget -
it tells us stuff that is useful to your average scout, free trader, or
other TAS member. Thus the starport rating talks about repairs, (small)
ship building, fuel supplies, and the presence or absence of orbital
facilities. It does not discuss containerised loading/unloading,
specialised LASH support facilities or anything like that.


Rupert Boleyn <>