Re: ScoutService manning etc; was Re: Naval Scout/Couriers Re: [TML] Why do those big ships carry so many fighters? Grimmund 22 Oct 2014 12:37 UTC

On Tue, Oct 21, 2014 at 9:33 PM, Ian Whitchurch
<> wrote:
> The explanation I like for the IISS giving away Scout/Couriers for detatched
> duty is
> 1. Lets you hide the spies among the cloud of Type S's wandering around,
> 2. The ships are pretty ideal for keeping small worlds in contact with the
> broader Imperium
> 3. Because you maintain them a Scout bases, it's pretty easy to keep track
> of them, and
> 4. In the case of a war or emergency, you can get them back.

You get to corvee the retireees and their ships for package/message
services as necessary.

"Hey, once your ship's done with refueling, and restocked, we're gonna
put you on active duty and send you over to XXCLASSIFIEDXX for a quick
run to pick up a couple of XXCLASSIFIEDXX and run them over to
XXCLASSIFIEDXX.  Six weeks pay, four weeks work.  Need anything else?"



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