Re: [TML] A reminder...'rocket science' is a cultural referent for 'hard to do' for a reason... David Shaw 29 Oct 2014 18:26 UTC

On 29/10/14 08:20, Brad Rogers wrote:
> On Tue, 28 Oct 2014 20:56:59 -0400
> Richard Aiken <> wrote:
> Hello Richard,
>> Although I notice that there's nothing on that page about what sort
>> of rates they charge.
> If you have to ask, you can't afford it.
> Or put another way;
> If you can afford a few billion to build something to put people into
> space, a million or so in insurance costs isn't going to bother you.

I was told - many years ago, so things may well have changed since -
that rocket flight was considered so risky that it cost as much to
insure a rocket as to build it, so nobody bothered.  The fact that one
company will now offer such insurance tends to suggest that the
perceived risk is now lower - or that there are a lot of financially
inept people in rocketing  ;-)

David Shaw