Re: [TML] Original CT LBB's scoutship vs CT HG scoutship? Phil Pugliese 30 Oct 2014 18:04 UTC

The lin 'tween 'fantasy' & 'science fiction' is not only very blurry but also very relative & as such, subject very much to personal preference.
In your estimation my 'way' is 'fantasy' while your way is 'science fiction' while in mine it is you who have gone into the 'fantsy' realm.
Come on, it's really just another way of saying "My 'way' is better than yours!".

So, if you want to play fantasy, fine.
Jack up the numbers & make everything immense. It's called MT!

On Thu, 10/30/14, Kelly St. Clair <> wrote:

 Subject: Re: [TML] Original CT LBB's scoutship vs CT HG scoutship?
 Date: Thursday, October 30, 2014, 10:43 AM

 Funny you should mention
 B5.  I loved it myself, still do... but one of
 the first things that comes to mind, in this
 context, is that while JMS
 got a lot of
 stuff right, it was quickly pointed out to him that the
 *air alone* inside the station would mass more
 than the first number
 quoted.  Which he,
 of course, pulled out of... *ahem*.

 If you want to play fantasy, fine.  The
 numbers tend to be smaller, more
 manageable.  Little ships, little kingdoms, on
 the surface of a single
 world.  When you
 get into science fiction, all the numbers get bigger.
 Much, much bigger.

 Kelly St.

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