Re: [TML] Good Vidconf Scenarios? mcrobertson@xxxxxx (22 Feb 2015 08:33 UTC)
Re: [TML] Good Vidconf Scenarios? Richard Aiken (22 Feb 2015 11:20 UTC)

Re: [TML] Good Vidconf Scenarios? mcrobertson@xxxxxx 22 Feb 2015 08:33 UTC

In-Reply-To: <>
I run a distance learning undergraduate degree course, and the tools used
therein would adapt wonderfully for role-playing :)

Indeed, in the past I have used Skype coupled with an area on a system
called Moodle (to share maps, handouts, etc.) - the system worked fine,
the problem was finding a time when everyone was awake, as I'm in the UK
and the players were scattered all over the US.

Nowadays I'd use Blackboard Collaborate which combines voice/video, text
chat and an area where you can display whatever you want to show your
players - it even has the facility to create 'breakout rooms' to talk to a
subset of your players and private chats.

But the original question was, what would you do with your players in
terms of a scenario. If it is a one-off use of the technology, why not
take advantage of the 'otherness' of the system. Perhaps they are on a
space station that has suffered a catastophe and are trapped in different
sections, relying on comms to stay in touch and figure out how to escape.
They could have arrived in all innocence for a spot of R&R, scattered all
over the place and then BOOM! Now they need to figure out what happened
and how they are going to stay alive/get off/deal with whatever happened
in the first place.

Hugs from Mexal.