Worldbuilding/Culturebuilding Notes: Sumptuary Laws and Customs Freelance Traveller (31 May 2015 16:15 UTC)
Re: [TML] Worldbuilding/Culturebuilding Notes: Sumptuary Laws and Customs Kelly St. Clair (09 Jun 2015 14:23 UTC)

Re: [TML] Worldbuilding/Culturebuilding Notes: Sumptuary Laws and Customs Kelly St. Clair 09 Jun 2015 14:23 UTC

Yup.  It's often framed, as with school uniforms these days, as "we must
prevent these poor dears from spending beyond their means in an attempt
to keep up with/outdo their peers", but in practice...

Take away everyone's green belly stars and some sneetches will still,
inevitably, find some new way to signify who is In and who is Out.
"Status" is one of those things that seems hardwired into humans.

Kelly St. Clair