Re: [TML] Celestial configutation as a part of Traveller mission planning, most remote world in the Imperium, etc Kurt Feltenberger (06 Feb 2018 05:02 UTC)

Re: [TML] Celestial configutation as a part of Traveller mission planning, most remote world in the Imperium, etc Kurt Feltenberger 06 Feb 2018 05:02 UTC

On 2/5/2018 1:59 PM, Catherine Berry wrote:
> Joss Whedon once said that spacecraft in "Firefly" travel at the speed
> of plot. That to me captures perfectly the narrative approach to
> role-playing. The GM decides how long the trip should take, within
> broad parameters of plausibility and consistency, and the players take
> that as a given and create their narrative within that framework.
> "Gaming" players would instead start pulling out rulebooks and
> calculators to second-guess the stated duration.

While I tend to agree with this (despite despising Whedon), there must
be some framework for future continuity or the "world" (i.e. the system,
stellar arm, etc.) suddenly ceases to have any real form other than GM

Kurt Feltenberger
“Before today, I was scared to live, after today, I'm scared I'm not living enough." - Me