[Freelance Traveller] May/June 2020 pending - ISSUE 100 BEGINNING PREP Jeff Zeitlin 14 Apr 2020 20:38 UTC

The only thing that the May/June issue of _Freelance Traveller_ is waiting
for is some time-dependent information, so it _will_ be out on time, COVID
stress notwithstanding!

I'm starting to compile articles for the July/August issue, but it occurs
to me that it wouldn't be inappropriate to do something special for that
issue - it is, after all, issue #100.

So, I put it to the community: _Should_ I do Something Special for that
issue? If so, _what_? Bear in mind that _whatever_ the ultimate answer is,
_your_ participation, by writing (or doing artwork) for that issue, is
going to be essential.

Comment here, or email your ideas to xxxxxx@freelancetraveller.com - I'll
be keeping an eye out!

®Traveller is a registered trademark of
Far Future Enterprises, 1977-2020. Use of
the trademark in this notice and in the
referenced materials is not intended to
infringe or devalue the trademark.

Jeff Zeitlin, Editor
Freelance Traveller
    The Electronic Fan-Supported Traveller® Resource

Freelance Traveller extends its thanks to the following
enterprises for hosting services:

onCloud/CyberWeb Enterprises (http://www.oncloud.io)
The Traveller Downport (http://www.downport.com)