Re: [TML] [Freelance Traveller] May/June 2020 pending - ISSUE 100 BEGINNING PREP Jeff Zeitlin 16 Apr 2020 17:11 UTC

On Thu, 16 Apr 2020 08:30:01 +0100, Timothy Collinson - timothy.collinson
at (via tml list) <> wrote:

>On Thu, 16 Apr 2020 at 01:42, Jeff Zeitlin <>

>> Had the potential product not (apparently) died, there would have been a
>> Theme Issue for the release of Traveller: Prime Directive (Star Trek
>> support)

>Oh, has that 'officially' gone?  Shame, I was hoping for a meeting of my
>two favourite worlds!  (Although I am aware of the document floating around
>the internet that begins to head in this direction.  One of the few
>'unpublished' things I decided ought to be in the bibliography!).

>No chance it's just in abeyance?  Although it has been a while IIRC

I used the word 'apparently' advisedly; ADB took it back when Mongoose
transitioned to the Second Edition rules, ostensibly to rework it in
accordance. It had supposedly seen limited playtesting, but Jean, the ADB
person who was more-or-less their presence on the Mongoose forums and who
was providing the reports on its progress, seems to have disappeared, and
there's been no news at all on T:PD. Bear in mind that there's also a
Paramount finger in the pie; ADB doesn't own _Star Trek_, and their rights
to publish PD - for any system - would really be partly dependent on
Paramount's whims. With Paramount beginning to proliferate the franchise
again, it's not impossible that they may be gathering back all their rights
for reconsideration and/or renegotiation.

The theme remains on my list, because I haven't heard that it is really
truly silver-stake-through-the-heart-at-the-crossroads dead. But the lack
of information does not seem to be a promising sign.

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Jeff Zeitlin, Editor
Freelance Traveller
    The Electronic Fan-Supported Traveller® Resource

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