Re: [TML] The whole 'Black Gloves -> Jump Drive juice' - an answer from MWM Rupert Boleyn (10 Oct 2020 04:25 UTC)

Re: [TML] The whole 'Black Gloves -> Jump Drive juice' - an answer from MWM Rupert Boleyn 10 Oct 2020 04:25 UTC

On 10Oct2020 1435, Phil Pugliese - philpugliese at (via tml
list) wrote:
> AFAIK, the introduction of the BG preceded  that of the 'jump grid'.
> Wasn't it MT that brought in the jump 'grid'?
> Before that, I had always thought that the J-drive itself just
> projected a field that enclosed the ship but I don't recall if there
> was ever a detailed explanation in CT.
Classic Traveller, Supplement 9 did, so far as I know. That's where we
get the 'Jump Ship' (p.22). It says "The jump ship is designed to
provide maximum flexibility in interstellar transportation. As built, it
is capable of jump-6 and 1-G. Special field cables attached to the rear
of the ship extend the ship's jump field to include this additional
cargo. Alterations in displacement will affect the size of the jump
itself, but the amount of cargo carried can be varied to fit the needs."

So that's the first time any sort of grid turns up. MT, especially in
DGP's Starship Operator's Manual adds a whole lot on them, those weird
crystals and so on. Personally I think it over-explains things to a huge
degree, and thus opens things up to players gaming loopholes,
complaining about any inconsistencies and breaks with physics they find,
& etc.

Rupert Boleyn <>